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Effects on Plastic Pollution On Marine Life

Have you ever imagined the effect of using a single polythene to the environment and all the aquatic animals, these may kill them? We humans are living in a world where we hardly bother about our fellow humans, what would we even think about our fellow organisms. The aquatic animals swallow hundreds to thousands of cubic meters of water daily, in this process, they take in huge amounts of microplastics which float in the water bodies. Before looking into the effects of these microplastics. 

What exactly are these? How are they formed? How are we humans responsible for this menace? 

Microplastics are small minute 5mm long plastic pieces. These come from a variety of sources such as cosmetics, industrial processes, clothing, Constuction industry and almost every other industry as we have made these plastics a part of our lives, a part of our daily life, and hence, according to predictions there will be more plastic in oceans than fish by 2050. These microplastics can't break down and get accumulated in the water bodies which are directly taken y the aquatic animals into their cells and tissues. 

Also, plastics have the capability to absorb toxins from surrounding seawater such as pesticides and those from POPā€™s (Persistent Organic Pollutants). These chemicals cause reproductive abnormalities, Behavorial effects and have long term effects on the physiology of the sharks, indirectly have a negative effect on the entire population. Turtles, which consume jelly fish often mistake plastic bags to be jellyfish and, in this way, die very soon.  

Therefore, ā€œDumpingā€ plastics into water bodies is the main and only reason for them to die and the next coming years there will be only pollutes water and no more aquatic animals left. This is a high time for all of us to take up the responsibility and eradicate plastic and let the marine animals live healthy and let the food chain go on in a better healthy way. 

The Sharks, 

Who were once the kings of the ocean; 

Are now the preys of plastic pollution? 

With the increasing plastic in water bodies, 

Only leading to increasing plastic in their own bodies. 

Well, who really cares about their pain; 

When we are in the greed of our own reign 

I really wish; 

We were not so selfish; 

And there would be no more fake jellyfish 

Oozing around in the water lush. 

The life of sharks would be surreal; 

As they would have had a healthy meal. 

The micro plastic would then be a past; 

The sharks would have a real blast. 

We would be the pioneers; 

If we kept this souvenir, 

To not domineer 

The basic laws of nature. 


I wrote this poem to make people aware of what exactly we are doing and how it is affecting the sharks or the marine life.Thankyou 




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