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A lyric approach of the art’s value

     Many people wonder which the main purpose of art is and what it offers to people in general. The answer is not easy, becauseart is a complex and multidimensional way of human expression, so that, whenone speaks of it, it always runs the risk of narrowing its content andcharacter falling into simplifications.  
     Art is a form of social consciousness, a particularform of the subjective reflection of the reality from the artist and people’sperspective. So, the most prominentmission of art is to portray and express the artist's inner world. This isobvious as artists through their creations express themselves, their worries, and feelings. Nevertheless, the value of art to peoples’development does not restrict only to depict a point of view but it is morethan that. Ιf we look deeper in art’s purpose, we will discover thatbefore anything else, art is a form of spiritual work. Itis a special way in which people attempt to assimilate the reality, physical andsocial and be able to control it next to the other two ways of working,practical - technical and scientific. If weconsider that the practical - technical or technological work for theproduction of material goods is a peoples’ struggle to master nature and subordinateit to their needs and the scientific work is the peoples’ effort to discoverthe hidden, internal laws governing the nature and society, the art is artists’effort to conquer the world in another way, the aesthetic, with the combinationof senses, knowledge, emotions and practical work.
     Art is one of the most important vehicles ofculture and a mean of strengthening cultural consciousnessover people due to itsinherent vitality, novelty, and authenticity. More specifically, art has thepower to moralize, refine, humanize, and relieve individuals from inferiorpassions and instincts hence creating aesthetic emotion. This is achievedbecause art has the ability to awaken consciousness, promote higher standards, ideals,and establish universal values that help people to be in spiritual vigilance. Respectively,given that the pace of life has been extremely demanding entailing that peopleautomate their decisions and actions, art and especially the personalrelationship of artwork with people aid them to get rid of the weight of habitand the routine of everyday life by upgrading their aesthetic criteria,stimulating their imagination, and expanding their spiritual horizons. However,the most important role that plays art in humans’ life is that it unifiespeople as it exists beyond time and places. It uses the universal language ofthe soul, sensitizes and questions about human problems. Last but not least, artcontributes as a mean of the breakthrough. In its attempt to find new ways ofexpression, art restores values that are at risk of losing their content andundergone the leveling of the modern technocratic era. 
     Art was not born as a spiritualluxury by surplus forces. Art emerged as a real need, the peoples’ need to organize anotherkind of relationship with reality, the aesthetics, which are not just sensory, but mentally and emotionaly. Therefore, the art, like any form of work, is the conscious, purposeful activity of artiststo "humanize" nature, society and bring the world closer to humanactions. This reconstruction of reality is not passive, neither for the artistsnor for their audience, but functions dynamically. It has the potential tochange people and through this the world. In other words, the real purpose ofart is not to comfort our lives. The real function of art is not to run behindits audience but to guide it in an intellectual direction since it illustratesthe true picture of reality that lies beneath the superficial and thus illusoryimage captured by our senses… 


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Σαντρίνα 23 Oct, 2018

A very insightful article, well done!

Charilaos 22 Oct, 2018

Wise thinking

Nikos 22 Oct, 2018

very interesting