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The causes of art commercialization

        Since the dawn of the history, people pursued waysto escape from the boring and often harsh daily routine by recurring to artistic activities. The creation of quality arts that arousedaesthetics and sensitize people determined and still determines to a greatextent the cultural level of each society. Nevertheless, nowadays, it is observedthat peoples’ contact with art has beendrastically reduced and the “genuine” art has been distorted because of itscommercialization. For this reason, it would be useful to identify the causes ofsuch a phenomenon with the view to being able to deal with it.
       First of all, a large share of responsibility for the degradation of art is attributed to the mentality of the materials’ eudemonics which has prevailed nowadays as a new trend. The identification of happiness with “ownership” and generally materialism leads both the performing industry and the artists to relent in the temptations of wealth and glory, hence completely undervaluing the true meaning of the art. Respectively, people absorbed into their attempt to make more money and their thirst to satisfy their unreal needs are easily transformed into co-operatives of the “rape” art.
       In addition, the industrialization has played a major role in shaping and augmenting the problem. Mass production, a distinctive feature of modern society, would be unlikely to leave untouched an area where the expected benefits are many as it relates to people's entertainment. However, production of this type also requires mass consumption. In order to achieve the latter, such industries were imperative to eliminate peoples’ particular aesthetic criterion and transform peoples’ needs, so that be submissive and docile to any fashion’s requirements. Therefore, the trend towards massification, as a result of industrialization, certainly has a place among the causes of the problem.
       At this point, it would be a significant omission if I did not refer to the deficient and inappropriate treatment offered by the socialization bodies. The inadequate education makes people unable to embrace and serve high values. Thus, people failing to understand the “genuine” art can easily "rape" it either by creating themselves such a kind of low-quality art or by purchasing standardized creations that are supposed to be art.
        Finally, I consider that it is necessary to mention as an important cause of art devaluation the peoples’ alienation from nature. Their inability to distinguish the truly beautiful arts from what is being projected as such owed to the loss of the natural way of life and the lack of contact with the natural beauty, which has always been a source of inspiration and creation of great artifacts. As a matter of fact, people trapped into the concept of materialism and the trend of being always in fashion lost their aesthetics criteria and brought up the commercialization as their prime value.
        People often restrict themselves to enjoy only the superficial and commercial forms of art for a variety of reasons. Due to this fact, they remain spiritual stagnant since they cannot understand the beneficial effects of the qualitative art in their life. However, it is time to realize that in the age of callous rationality, greed and formal human relationships, art can be the plank of our salvation!


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