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Why is Dancing the best social remedy

Every person has a distinguishable personality trait that stretches out to reflect every strata of his/her daily life. It is observed however that every type of trait present in a person, they being extroverted, ambiverted, or introverted, does love moving and grooving to the sound of music. It is one exceptionally favourable activity that is so loved by all in the world. 

Dancing can not always be noted as a popular form, but it can be noted as a form where your mind relaxes and your soul feels free. Even the slightest of movements are enough to lighten up your mind and make you feel mentally relaxed. It adds to your sub conscious a ray of hope and freedom, altering your mood for the better part of it, helping you remain calm and helps in boosting productivity. The ray of hope and freedom helps you discover places or personalities you never knew existed. It helps you to face all that you have to in your daily life and gets you to embark on journeys with a clear sense of understanding . It makes you handle the odds with ease, overall improving the day.

Dancing is an important activity in schools and colleges, mostly performed in competitions and functions. Usually on such occasions, dancing tends to highlight you in your circle which is an important step to moving on socially. It makes you known to several people and is a great extra curricular activity for future admittance. 

The knowledge of dance is also very superior when it comes to the knowings of the world. A person with an intellect of the history of dance does find ways to interact and spread this accounted knowledge for the betterment of himself and the betterment his/her fellow mates. It registers you for enlightening of ones mind which accounts for being noble and notable on its own. 

Dance, especially the mudras in classical or the energy levels in hip hop, helps in improving your body frame. It makes you look young, fresh and whole, adding to your glow as you acknowledge yourself for the same. It lightens the environment around you, tending everyone else wishing to be as sturdy and active as you would be. It improves personality, makes you bold, noticeable and confident with your fellows. A good structure also improves health, keeping your bones healthy and wear free for longer times. 

Being socially apt is as important as is other jobs. Dancing gets you closer to it. The happier you get, the more you mix up, and the more you rejoice. Encourage dance and spread the words so that maybe it turns up really fruitful for the people who really needed the therapy. A healthier and happier society is the goal, and dancing the way through is the key to the goal.


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