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Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning a commission by  promoting other people’s (or company’s) products. You find a product you  like, promote it to others, and earn a piece of the profit for each  sale that you make. Affiliate marketing is a cost effective means of combining established marketing techniques with technology for business  success.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

Affiliate marketing is generally defined as a referral program that  gives commissions those who successfully refer a potential client or  leads to your site. Sometimes called an advertising affiliate Internet  program, it is one of the most cost-effective and efficient means to  drive online revenue.

The more people who are advertising your company, services, or  products online, the more successful you will be. Affiliate marketing  is essentially a sales force compensated based on their performance.  Creating an affiliate marketing program will allow you to focus your  attention on other aspects of your business.


Our Values


Effective strategies

An individual map is created according to the customized needs of the clients for achieving scalable results.

Branding Transparency

Our brand network is 100% transparent - you will always know where and when your ads are showing.

Proactive Management

We’ll help recruit new affiliates and communicate with existing ones to ensure results are maximized.

Cost Effectiveness

Our goal is to provide Affiliate Marketing services, which maximize your ROI and keep your costs down.

A registered affiliate gets paid a commission for each sale to a party they directed our way.


Are you interested In applying for the Affiliate Marketing Program?

You can apply here -


About Employed India:

Employed India is a programme that provides assisting services to startups and businesses in order to make sure they reach their maximum potential without actually having to spend a chunk of money on services by incessant hiring and onboarding.


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