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Influencer Marketing- the next big thing

Who is an Influencer?
Many people have a wrong notion about influencers.Anyone with large number of followers is not an influencer.Influencing is not synonymous with popularity.It is when you can change the perception, mindset or behaviour of people.
What is influencer marketing?
So,influencer marketing focuses on influential people on every social media platform. It is similar to celebrity endorsements, but better.
What happens in celebrity endorsements is consumers are most likely to think that the actors are paid to advertise the product.So, they don't relate much.
People feel influencers are common people like them.The consumers resonate with them.And,the influencers have established credibility by their work,which helps them further.But not all influencers can market all products.They should have an in-depth knowledge and expertise in the field they are marketing for.That is how they gain the trust of their followers.
What qualities should an influencer have?
1) The most important factor of being an influencer is the ability to deliver a message to large number of people.
2) You have to be convincing enough for people to grasp your messages.
How influencer marketing works?
1) One way is to pay money to the influencers to advertise a product.Marketers use their familiarity to sell a product.But this is not the most effective way out there.
2)Another way is to use the reach of the influencers.Most of the advertisers search for someone with thousands of followers,pay them money and ask them to advertise their product.This is not the best way to market a product as it is equal to sponsored advertising.
3) Influencers want to be known,they want to get their hands on exclusive information; that is what they need to grow their reach.Marketers should focus on building personal relationship with influencers and provide them with useful news or early information.If your product is worthy,you should have no problem finding influencers who want to work with you.
An influencer should be honest with their audience.A good influencer will review your product not advertise it.They will talk about pros and cons so that the audience feel it is genuine.
How to market your product?
First of all you have to identify the influencers and sort them in order of priority. For them to know about your product,you have to advertise and convince them first.Then only you can move forward to do marketing through them,where they give testimonials about your product and generate interest among the target market.
Alternatively, you can directly advertise by using them as advocates for your company.
Why social media?
Putting out an ad on television costs much more than working with an influencer . Influencer marketing has more benefits than the costs you have to endure. Also, more and more people are using internet to make their purchase.So, the time gap between a person seeing the ad and making the purchase decreases.
Influencer marketing is growing fast.It is a win-win situation for the influencers and the company.They use your product to maximise their reach and credibility and you use their popularity to advertise your product.


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