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Should Women Be Encouraged More To Speak Out Loud In This New Generation Of The Male Dominated Society?

We girls have always been taught that we should never raise our voice when a person of a higher authority are stating their points. But what about when the person is wrong and the point stated by him/her are completely meaningless to what actually happened?
In India women are always challenged through specific situations, be it on the professional field or in households. They have to be dressed modestly and never be expected to mouth foul languages even when they are being tortured by their own people. There is a gender equality residing in India and there is absolutely no reason in denying the fact.
 A trend has occurred which considers women raising their voices and stating their opinion is a secondary issue to the male patriarchal society. Their voices and requests have been denied and ignored which has resulted in no changes and the same being continued in a loop, over and over again. ‘When a woman speaks in a professional setting, she walks a tightrope. Either she is barely heard or she’s judged as too aggressive’.
Our daughters should be taught to raise their voices when they notice any kind of misconduct or misbehave. Telling them to pipe down their grievances isn’t an option and this leads to negative reinforcement within their mental state. They should learn how to express themselves and learn to tell people how they feel about a particular subject. They should also be taught to pursue their own set of dreams without getting carried away by what the society thinks them to be.
Girls who raise their voices and ask for what they need to be and what they want to have, feel the risk of being ostracized by their own families. It's a hard and confusing time to be a girl but you should never forget the moral ground you stand on. Being a girl is a blessing that comes with a lot of negative values but once people starts realizing how beautiful it is, they start accepting themselves.


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